Steve Buckner Makes His Presence Felt

May 13, 2024

Steve Buckner just took his seat in the tournament and is already chatting up a storm with his tablemates as he raises to 1,100 in early position. He receives two callers, including Sebastien Labbe in the hijack.

The flop comes Diamond 10Diamond KSpade 7 and Buckner bets 2,500. Labbe then raises to 6,500 and Buckner calls.

Buckner checks dark heading to the Heart A turn and Labbe checks dark. Buckner then bets 6,000 in the dark as the Spade 8 falls on the river.

Labbe shakes his head and tanks for about 30 seconds before he mucks. Buckner shows Diamond AClub K as he takes the pot.

“I had you beat on the flop,” Labbe tells him.

Steve Buckner- 45,000 (150 bb)
Sebastien Labbe- 35,000 (117 bb)

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