Steve Buckner Pulls 'The Ol' Stand-up Move' to Double Thru Weituoxin Wu

May 18, 2024

Steven 'CUZ' BucknerPhoto: Steve ‘Cuz’ Buckner

After a preflop betting war, Steve ‘Cuz’ Buckner and Weituoxin Wu got all the chips into the middle, with Buckner at risk.

Buckner: Diamond AHeart K
Wu: Diamond QSpade Q

Wu was ahead going into this classic flip, and he was safe on the flop and turn Club 8Club 4Diamond 3Heart 3, but then as Buckner stands up and begins to gather his belongings, the Club A smacks on the river to win him the pot. 

“Just the ol’ stand-up move! That’s all, I couldn’t win a flip to save my life earlier!”

Steve Buckner – 104,000(87 bb)
Weituoxin Wu – 102,000 (85 bb)

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