Sun Guodong's Big Pair Bigger than Arden Cho's

Jul 23, 2023

Arden Cho

The WPT live reporting team arrived at the scene of a turn board of Spade AClub 9Spade 6Spade 5 where Arden Cho (pictured) and Sun Guodong each checked to the river Heart 6 river.

The players again checked and after Cho revealed her Club JSpade J, she was surprised to see Guodong show Spade QDiamond Q for a better pair.

“Whoa, I didn’t even get three-bet,” said Cho, who likely lost the minimum thanks to cautiously played postflop streets.

Sun Guodong – 189,000 (126 bb)
Arden Cho – 85,000 (56 bb)

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