Thai Ha Gets Lucky to Double Through Sean Winter

May 6, 2018

Thai Ha

Sean Winter opens under the gun to 10,000 and Tom Marchese calls on the button. Day 2 WPT Bellagio High Roller entrant Thai Ha (pictured) shoves for 102,500 out of the big blind and Winter moves all-in for 224,000 behind him.

Marchese asks for a count on both players and then takes 20 seconds to fold. Ha rolls over Spade AHeart K and is ahead of Winter’s Club AClub J.

The Spade JHeart JHeart 10 flop gives Winter trips and puts Ha on the ropes. The Club 7 turn leaves Ha needing only a queen and he starts to walk away from the table until the Diamond Q hits the river.

Thai Ha_Sean Winter

Ha sits back down and stacks the double. Marchese mentions that he had Heart AHeart Q.

Thai Ha – 224,000
Sean Winter – 122,000

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