Thanh Phu Eliminated in 22nd Place by Joel Miller

May 3, 2016

Thanh Phu

Thanh Phu (pictured above) raises all in preflop for 29,000 under the gun, and Marcello Del Grosso (UTG+1) and Joel Miller (UTG+1) both call. The flop is dealt Diamond KClub 3Club 2 and both live players check. The Club K falls on the turn and Miller bets 40,000. Del Grosso folds and the two remaining players reveal their hands.

Miller: Spade 6Club 6
Phu: Spade 10Diamond 5

River: Heart 3

Phu is eliminated on the hand in 22nd place, good for CAD $10,330, and Miller stacks up 412,000 after collecting the pot.

Joel Miller – 412,000 (25 bb)
Thanh Phu – Eliminated in 22nd Place (CAD $10,330)

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