Tom Marchese vs. Aaron Ogus

May 6, 2018

Tom Marchese_Aaron Ogus

Tom Marchese opens the action with a raise from middle position to 22,000 before Aaron Ogus three-bets next to act to 55,000.

It folds back round to Marchese, and he calls, and then checks the Diamond 6Club 5Club 6 flop to Ogus who continues with a bet of 65,000.

Marchese calls, and then both players check the Spade J on the turn.

The river is the Club 3 and Marchese announces he is all in for roughly 1,270,000. Ogus only has 345,000 in his stack and immediately throws in a time extension button.

After about 45 seconds he throws in his second time extension button before eventually folding with 13 seconds remaining in his time bank.

Tom Marchese – 1,540,000
Aaron Ogus – 345,000

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