Tom Wheaton Eliminated in 19th Place ($19,990)

May 22, 2018

Tom Wheaton

Jared Jaffee opens to 9,000 from under the gun before Tom Wheaton (pictured) moves all in for 84,000 from the button. From the small blind, Kitty Kuo calls, and Jaffee folds.

Kuo: Spade AHeart Q
Wheaton: Club 5Heart 5

With Wheaton a slight favorite, but at risk, the dealer spread a Diamond QHeart 10Club 4 flop to give Kuo the lead.

Needing now one of the last fives in the deck to stay alive, Wheaton would see the Spade 7 and Spade K roll off on the turn and river to end his tournament in 19th place for a $19,990 payday.

Kitty Kuo – 430,000
Tom Wheaton – Eliminated in 19th Place ($19,990)

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