Two Pair for Tom Marchese

May 5, 2018

Cary Katz limps in from under the gun, and Anthony Zinno limps the cutoff. Kristina Holst calls on the button, as does Tom Marchese in the small blind before Ankush Mandavia checks his option.

The flop lands Heart KDiamond QSpade 10 and action checks to Zinno who bets 6,000. Holst folds, Marchese and Mandavia call, and Katz mucks.

The turn of the Club 3 checks through as the Heart 2 completes the board on the river.

Marchese leads out for 18,000 and Mandavia calls as Zinno folds.

Marchese tables his Heart QClub 10 and Mandavia mucks.

Tom Marchese – 355,000
Ankush Mandavia – 500,000

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