Victor Paredes Doubles Thru Jeremy Joseph

Apr 3, 2023

Victor Paredes
Photo:  Victor Paredes

After a flop of Diamond QClub 9Club 4, Jeremy Joseph checks from the big blind, Victor Paredes bets 200,000 from the button, and Joseph check-raises all in.

Paredes calls all in for 1,030,000 with Spade ADiamond A, and he needs to improve to stay alive against the Joseph’s Heart 9Heart 4 (two pair).

The turn card pairs the board with the Spade Q, the river card is the Diamond K, and Joseph wins the pot with a higher two pair, aces and queens, to double up in chips.

Victor Paredes  –  2,500,000  (31 bb)
Jeremy Joseph  –  3,125,000  (39 bb)

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