Vincenzo Abate Takes Out Steve Buckner

May 18, 2024

Photo: Vincenzo Abate

Vincenzo Abate has a raise of 11,000 in front of him from the cutoff before Steve Buckner moves all in for 52,000 in early position. Abate calls.

Steve Buckner: Heart AClub Q
Vincenzo Abate: Diamond ADiamond K

“Come on, do the right thing one time,” Buckner pleads with the dealer after finding out he’s dominated. The flop comes Club 6Spade 9Spade J and Buckner is already telling Abate “nice hand” and getting up from his seat.

The board runs out Heart 7Heart 5 and Buckner makes a quick exit from the room as Abate pretends to wipe his brow while taking in the pot.

Vincenzo Abate- 385,000 (321 bb)
Steve Buckner- eliminated

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