Yifu He Takes the Day 1C Chip Lead on the Final Hand

Jul 12, 2023

Yifu HePhoto:  Yifu He

Yifu He raises to 4,500 from the hijack, WPT Champions Club member Alex Foxen three-bets to 13,500 from the button, and He calls.

The flop is Club ASpade 9Diamond 4, He checks, Foxen bets 9,000, and He calls.

The turn is the Diamond K, and both players check.

The river is the Spade 3, He bets 16,000, and Foxen thinks for a bit before he calls.

He tables Heart ASpade J for a pair of aces with a jack kicker, Foxen mucks, and He wins the pot.

Yifu He  –  437,000  (219 bb)
Alex Foxen  –  182,000  (91 bb)

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