"You're So Lucky...This Guy is So Lucky!"

May 22, 2018

Ray Qartomy Ray Qartomy

Ray Qartomy (pictured) limps from the small blind, Darren Elias raises to 30,000 from the big blind, and Qartomy calls.

The flop comes down Heart 10Spade 9Club 3, and Qartomy checks to Elias who continues for 30,000. Qartomy check-raises to 200,000, and Elias uses a Time Extension chip before he calls.

The turn is the Spade 3, Qartomy checks, and Elias uses another Time Extension chip before he shoves for about 300,000.

“You’re so lucky,” says a perturbed Qartomy. “Call 200,000 to get lucky.”

Qartomy open folds Club 10Club 9, and Elias collects the pot.

“This guy is lucky, its crazy. So lucky!” says Qartomy.

Darren Elias – 775,000
Ray Qartomy – 345,000

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