Stefano Moreale Wins his First WPTDeepStacks Title at WPTDS San Diego

Sep 9, 2019

WPTDS San Diego

Stefano Moreale (pictured) topped a field of 252 entries to win the Season 6 WPTDeepStacks San Diego Main Event on Monday at Ocean’s Eleven Casino. The San Diego resident took home the biggest cash of his poker career worth $58,480, and that includes a $3,000 championship prize package.

“It’s great, when you run this good it’s easy,” said Moreale after winning his first WPTDeepStacks title. He continued, “I was just thinking hand-by-hand, and keeping the stack sizes in mind.”

“I play here all the time, so I’m familiar with the faces and the dealers. The first day was like playing in a $100 tournament here for the first couple of orbits. It was like playing in my living room,” said the local player about his experience here at Ocean’s Eleven Casino.

“Yes, I will be at that one, I will go. I was planning to play a little less because I have some travels coming up, but I will for sure get to that tournament in April well prepared,” said Moreale about his plans for the WPTDeepStacks Championship.

Season 5 WPTDeepStacks San Diego Final Table Results

1st: Stefano Moreale – $58,480*
2nd: Landen Lucas – $38,985
3rd: Shaun Davis – $24,750
4th: Grant Foster – $15,055
5th: Ryan Howe – $11,625
6th: Sando Yin – $9,635
7th: Sean Edelenbos – $8,090
8th: Brian Nordin – $6,760
9th: Rich Lanes – $5,550

* First-prize amount includes a prize package with the winner’s seat into the Season XVIII WPTDeepStacks Championship, which will be held in April at Thunder Valley Casino Resort near Sacramento, California.

The final table got off to a quick start and never let off the gas, taking just over three hours to complete. Rich Lanes (ninth place), Brian Nordin (eighth place), and Sean Edlenbos (seventh place) fell during the first level of play, and then Sando Yin (sixth place), Ryan Howe (fifth place), and Grant Foster (fourth place) were eliminated before the first break.

The three-handed battle didn’t last too long either, with Shaun Davis busting out in third place a half hour after the break. Davis has cashed in this event five out of the six tour stops here, including two final-table appearances. That set up a final match between Stefano Moreale (4.75 million) and former Kansas Jayhawk college basketball player Landen Lucas (2.8 million).

On the third hand of heads-up play, Lucas raised to 150,000 preflop, and Moreale called before the flop was dealt Diamond 7Spade 7Spade 5. Lucas bet 175,000, and Moreale check-raised to 375,000.

Lucas called before the turn fell Club J. Moreale bet 775,000, Lucas raised all in, and Moreale called to cover him. The two players then flipped over their cards.

Moreale: Heart 7Diamond 6
Lucas: Spade ASpade J

River: Club K

Lucas was eliminated in second place, good for $38,985, and Moreale took home the top prize $58,480 that included a $3,000 championship prize package along with the WPTDeepStacks trophy.

Congratulations to our new WPTDeepStacks champion – Stefano Moreale!

That concludes our coverage from WPTDeepStacks San Diego. Thanks to Ocean’s Eleven Casino for hosting another great stop on the tour.

Up Next for WPTDeepStacks in North America

The next stop for Season 6 of the WPTDeepStacks schedule in North America is WPTDeepStacks Blackhawk. The Main Event runs from October 17-21 at Golden Gates Casino in Blackhawk, Colorado.

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